We all crave for foods. We crave for carbs, salty, savory rich foods and sweets like chocolate. An occasional indulgence is necessary but not on the HCG Diet. There is no room for cravings on the HCG Diet protocol, especially for sweet treats. If sugar is brought into the second and third phase of the HCG Diet, weight loss is not possible. Any forms of sugar are not welcome except for those found on the allowable fruits and vegetables.
Dealing with sweet tooth cravings
Your first line of defense for your cravings is to figure out if the craving is physiological or behavioral. Often times it’s behavioral that it’ll take time for you to make adjustments. It can be tough to let go but you have to in order to lose as much weight as possible. It can take 2 to 3 weeks for your body to adjust to a new eating habit but research shows that it’ll only take 5 days of being sugar-free so you can reduce your cravings. Here are ways for you to deal with sweet tooth cravings:
- Visualize how to handle temptation. Visualize how to decline deserts at gatherings or walk away from donuts at the office or the vending machine at the hallway. Temptations can pull you down and hinder you from losing weight.
- Keep your blood sugar level under control. This can prevent spikes making your sugar cravings unbearable. Eat protein-rich foods, healthy fat and carbohydrates a day. Avoid beverages and snacks loaded with sugar prior to beginning the diet. Without sugar in your system, your cravings won’t be as difficult to battle.
- Avoid starchy and sugar rich-foods prior to your diet. If your diet was high in sugar prior to loading days, you can expect to experience cravings.
- Spice up your meal with flavorful herbs like coriander, cloves and cardamom. These spices can eliminate the feeling of total deprivation.
- Use sugar substitute for your morning coffee like Stevia. A small amount of sugar alternative is permitted on the HCG Diet.
- You can break up your meal and use your fruit option when you crave for sugar. Breaking up your meals on the HCG diet is permitted. You can eat your fruit options as a mid-afternoon snack or as a late-night snack.
- Cravings usually last for 10 to 20 minutes whether it’s sugar or not. Knowing when your cravings will stop will help you overcome your desire for sweet treats.
- Distract yourself and do whatever it takes until your cravings ease up. Go out for a walk, call a friend or take a bath.