Fitness Instructor and the HCG Diet

HCG Injections

Fitness Instructor and the HCG Diet

Being a fitness instructor who teaches three to four classes a day, four times a week, I am allowed to eat whatever I want because I know I will burn the excess calories consumed. I have been a junk-food addict for years, choosing high-carb meals and sugary snacks over healthier food options. My fitness industry burnout led to a desk job where I have led a sedentary lifestyle for the past six years. Unfortunately, I did not change my eating habits. Doughnuts, cakes, bagels, cookies, you name it, were readily available to me daily. I didn’t resist temptation, I embraced it! Thirty pounds later, it was no surprise. By 38, I decided to get used to my two new sidekicks. They are dumpy and frumpy. I should have been eating better based on what I learned in fitness, but I couldn’t break the junk-food cycle.

I heard about the HCG diet through a friend. I was skeptical. I intended to meet the people who have succeeded in following the HCG diet and find out all the things that wouldn’t work for me because it was just too good to be true. These people were kind, patient, and very thorough. They gave me hope that if I followed the HCG plan, I could finally be rid of the excess weight I had gained, as well as, adopt new eating habits. The HCG diet is the easiest weight loss plan I have ever tried. The results are so rapid, that you are encouraged to continue just to see what the next day will bring.

Aware that I would probably qualify for only one cycle, I wanted to get the most out of the program. I followed it, keeping it as simple as possible. By the end of the diet protocol, I lost 25 pounds and 20 inches! In my first week into maintenance, I lost an additional 1.3 pounds. With other diets I used to say I have lost so little, now I say, I have so little left to lose!

You must be honest if you intend to follow the plan – cheaters, don’t bother. Finally, it was my will along with the guidance and encouragement of my newfound friends who are using the same products, as well as the kindness and sense of humor of my newfound friends that enabled me to transform back into the person I was so many years ago except for I’m off the junk food! I love the new me and my approach to eating healthy. Even if others would say that is just a simple thing that I’ve achieved, for me this is the biggest achievement. I am fit. I am healthy. For this, I encourage people overweight or obese people to start using HCG and see amazing results!

 – Ms. Abby J. 

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Fitness Instructor and the HCG Diet